Nana's Living Room is a Community Based Organization that helps at risk youth, young adults and formerly incarcerated individuals heal and navigate through the traumas, pain & trust issues within the Black and Brown communities by way of various programs using art, film and experiential learning. 


Using the arts to help participants develop life skills at the same time, prevent gun violence and address trauma and healing.  



Credible Messnger Mentor


Born and raised in Harlem, New York, David Hopper is a respected community activist, filmmakerspoken word artistcredible messenger mentor and author. David founded Nana’s Living Room Inc in 2022 as a response to the uprising in gun violence and young people arrested for crimes against the community. Being impacted by the criminal system and a gun violence survivor himself, he has experienced the hardships and obstacles that our youth are faced with on a daily basis. After graduating from The New School’s ‘ITM” Institute of Transformative Mentoring program he has been equipped to facilitate restorative justice circles and also became a restorative justice practitioner.  

David uses his book "Moments, WritingsThoughts and Letters of a 2x Felon" to create dialogue on solutions of mass incarceration, conflict resolution and the school to prison pipeline. His mission is to use art, film and experiential learning to prevent violence. 

David and Nana’s Living Room Inc. organization were both highlighted as key subjects on BronxNet TV and recognized by the New York Amsterdam News for the work they do in the community. David has been featured in numerous documentaries speaking on being a Credible Messenger as well as his personal redemption story. David recently released the documentary Prison to Prosperity that has been doing well in the film festival circuit.



Did you know?

Low-Income students with access to Arts Education are two times more likely to graduate from college than their peers with no arts education as well as 30% of children who are involved with art education are more likely to pursue a professional career. 

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Contact us


E-mail: info@nanaslivingroom.org

Address: Bronx, NY 10459

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